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Electromagnetic alignment

Mouth Breathing vs Nose Breathing

There are many healthy reasons to breathe through your nose, and some serious consequences to mouth-breathing.

“Mouth-breather!” It’s a term people might use as an insult or say as a joke, but breathing through the mouth has some very real, and very serious health consequences. Here’s a partial list:

Mouth breathing can cause bad breath, because of altered bacterial population in the mouth.

Breathing by mouth results dries the tongue, teeth and gums; consequently, levels of acid in the mouth can lead to tooth decay and gum problems.

Another undesirable consequence of mouth breathing, especially when asleep, is dehydration – how often do mouth breathing sleepers awake with a dry mouth?

Sports performance can suffer from mouth breathing; when we inhale and exhale through the mouth, oxygen uptake in the lungs can go down.

Children who breathe through their mouths are at greater risk of abnormal facial structure, head posture, and impaired respiratory strength.

Not only does mouth breathing cause issues such as facial changes, dry mouth and sleep disturbances, but it can also lead to ear infections, airway infections, inflamed sinuses and snoring.

The lack of oxygen into the lungs can cause huge problems for adults, leading to high blood pressure and heart problems.

Other mouth breathing effects include headaches, poor posture (as mouth breathers tend to slump forward to open the airways), gum disease, bad breath and cold and flu like symptoms.

Here are some of the benefits of breathing properly through your nostril:

Nose breathing, especially the resistance to airflow that comes from exhaling through your nose, keeps the air in your lungs a little longer. This can increase the amount of oxygen that enters your bloodstream with each breath as much as 20 per cent.

Much more than your mouth and throat, the nasal passages are designed to warm and humidify the air you inhale. The temperature of your breath can rise more than 40°F on the way from your nose to your lungs. This is especially important in cold weather.

Breathing through the nose helps remove a significant share of germs, irritants and bacteria from each lungful of air you breathe

It's easier to breathe regularly when you inhale and exhale through your nose.

Nitric oxide (NO), which plays an important part in immune response and vasoregulation, is released in the nasal passages, following the air stream to the lungs.

Nose breathing can help fight infections.

Nasal breathing boosts blood circulation, blood oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, slows the breathing rate and improves overall lung volumes.

Nose breathing helps proper oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange during respiration, thereby helping the blood to maintain a balanced PH.

Wholistic Inner Wisdom

How Does Food Impact Health? The food we eat gives our bodies the "information" and materials they need to function properly. If we don't get the right information, our metabolic processes suffer and our health declines.

Cells listen to signals that come from outside the body. Recent findings show that molecules found in food can change cell communication. For example, in 2010 a team of researchers in California and Japan found that omega-3 fatty acids from food bind to a specialized protein studding cell surface.

Food can affect the production and secretion of hormones by direct actions on the gut, by nervous reflexes, through changes in the concentration of various metabolites in the blood, or secondary to changes in circulating gut hormone levels.

Western dietary habits, which include heavily processed foods, large quantities of refined grains and soft drinks, and little to no fresh produce, increase the risk of depression and provide fewer physical and mental health benefits.

Few people are aware of the connection between nutrition and depression while they easily understand the connection between nutritional deficiencies and physical illness. Depression is more typically thought of as strictly biochemical-based or emotionally rooted. On the contrary, nutrition can play a key role in the onset as well as severity and duration of depression. Many of the easily noticeable food patterns that precede depression are the same as those that occur during depression. These may include poor appetite, skipping meals, and a dominant desire for sweet foods. Nutritional neuroscience is an emerging discipline shedding light on the fact that nutritional factors are intertwined with human cognition, behavior, and emotions.

Here at EARATHAKA, you'll be provided with the tools needed to boost you back to peak health in abundance on all layers of existence.


The human biofield is an energetic matrix that surrounds the human body. It directly links the cellular activity with the meridian pathways. This energetic aura is like a superhighway that allows the genes (DNA) in cells to communicate at light speed and maintain a coherent holistic intelligence in the organism.

The human biofield is the name given to the field of electromagnetic energy and information that surrounds and interpenetrates the human body. The term was coined in 1994 by a panel of National Institute for Health scientists to give a scientific name to what has previously been called the human energy field or aura.

This statement gives rise to the evidence that the electromagnetic environment in which a person lives could alter, reinforce, or destabilize the structure of the biofield and in turn create a physiological change within the body. This also gives credit to the expression of being a product of the environment.

Biofield therapy consists of raising the vibrational frequency and optimizing the biofields subtle energy module to improve its functionality and efficiency. It helps restore and preserve the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies health. Quantum Biofield Therapy is particularly effective with any stress-related conditions like anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating disorder, etc Biofield healing effects positive change in people’s health and wellbeing by bringing a deeper level of coherency and communication to cells, tissues, organs, and physical systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Disclaimer: I am not a medical physician! I am a sun of the Earth, sharing natures gifts.

What is Chondrus Crispus?

Chondrus crispus, or Irish moss, is a common edible red seaweed that can be found on rocky shores in the Northern Atlantic. Contains 92-98 of the 102 minerals needed for the body! Supports hearts health, improves digestion track, maintain healthy weight, muscle building and recovery. Improves libido, thyroid functions, supports hair skin and nails! Improves metabolism, supports joint health, boost immune system and a great source of natural iodine!

How long is shelf life?

Dried 3 months

How long does it take to ship?

3-5 business days.

How long does it take to work?

Everyone microbiology is as unique as your personal fingerprints. Essentials should be taken daily 1-2 times a day for 30-90 days to see full effect!

Return policy?

No returns!

Are products vegan friedly?

Everything is 100% vegan friendly. All diet types are welcome! Women who are pregnant should consult doctor before consuming.